

Fitness In Training : All rights reserved : 2018

Fitness In Training™© is under Copyright and Trademark law. All rights reserved 2020

No part or parts of the material and image of Fitness In Training™ Logo and other Right Protected phrases or descriptions, may be reproduced for profit, school projects in fitness, or even for no intended profit, or a pirated look-a-like version of the Fitness In Training Logo, literal name, phrases within the nomenclature, style(s) or methods created within Fitness In Training. All are protected by copyright and trademark law and may not be reproduced, imitated or pirated and or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, faxes, digital recording, marketing and sales, broadcasting, email format, web development, webpage's, any other personal trainer and their business image, fitness coaching, health club usage or by any other information storage and retrieval or transmission system without written permission and authorized acknowledgements from Fitness In Training™ and Dan Höering. Fitness In Training™ and all of the materials used is the intellectual property of Dan Höering and Fitness In Training™.

Failure to adhere to these trademark and copyright laws covering Fitness In Training™ and information stated herein, will result in the full penalty of all applicable laws directed at you or your company and all applicable assets you own. Accordingly, you will be fined and penalized heavily, sustaining large financial losses if you fail to adhere to the information stated herein!

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