The Testimonials
below are from Coach Dan's clients, in their words. Feel free to contact Coach
Dan if you would like to talk further with any one of his *clients below
or other clients to get their opinion of Coach Dan and what they thought of his
expertise and experience in helping them achieve better fitness, for life!
*Some clients have moved out of
I worked with Coach Dan for over two years. During
that time I was recovering from having both hips replaced. I found the workouts
to be, above all, safe and appropriately designed toward helping me recover to
be able to move normally again and to become stronger and stronger. I
appreciate Dan’s enthusiasm, dedication and knowledge with respect to fitness.
Dan was very patient in teaching
me how to accomplish exercises effectively and safely. As a result of Dan’s
tutelage and encouragement, I feel I am much more knowledgeable about how to
exercise geared to my own needs and am able to follow a regular fitness program
on my own.
Lori Luck, CPA
I just wanted to thank you for helping me “get healthy."
I feel like my progress has been at a snail’s pace and
I still could do a lot more, but it’s been a year since I started lifting
weights, working out and eating healthier and I really do feel better physically
and emotionally.
One thing that bothered me was that my stomach was like a bowl full of jelly, I
notice now it is much
flatter and firmer, yeah! Anyway – just thought I’d thank you for your help!
Cynthia Easterday,
my annual physical in January 2010 I knew something had to change. My blood
pressure, glucose and cholesterol numbers were trending higher and higher. My
doctor was about to write new prescriptions.
The following week I
bumped into Coach Dan. I explained my predicament and my willingness to get back
into a regular fitness routine. Coach Dan seemed unfazed and put together a
plan. Yes, it wouldn't be easy. It would take discipline and effort. And it
wasn't just about fitness but would include nutrition and lifestyle changes. I
had to move my health into a higher priority and make it a habit not an
I would need to make
an investment in time and money. But the alternative was costly non-generic
medications and the other downsides of artificial chemicals. Coach Dan is very
conscious of where you are when you start and gradually introduced each new
exercise while dramatically re-establishing healthy eating patterns and foods.
It wasn't more than a week that I could feel the difference. I stuck to the
plan, writing down the food I ate and when. My food selection changed and I
topped eating out because I couldn't completely control the
ingredients/portions. The food savings were making up for the investment I made
with Coach Dan.
60 days later the results have been quite astonishing. My
body mass index dropped from nearly 30 to 25. My
visceral fat went from 13 to 9. I lost 20 pounds,
dropped 20 points on my blood pressure and my glucose fell 29 points. My
triglycerides collapsed from 300 down to 118. My doctor was so pleased she put
away her Rx pad. Even my posture has improved and I feel good again. I
had to buy some new clothes but it was nice to pick out the next size down then
the next size up as I had the last 20 years.
I'm not saying this is an easy process but it does become easier when you begin
to see progress and Coach Dan does hold you accountable. If you really want to
change and make it a permanent one I recommend Coach Dan's methods. If you have
the desire he can steer you on the path to a healthier and happier body.
Rich Derfler, Grocer
had three strokes in 2009 and I lost my left side function in my body. I
was referred to Coach Dan. My son made the initial contact with Dan and we
set up a meeting to get acquainted and talk about how I could get stronger
through strengthening and stretching my muscles.
My son was determined to get my functions back and I was too. I live at an
assisted care facility and needed someone to come to me to do the workouts with
me; Dan could help and we learned he was experienced with helping people with
their fitness and strength that have had a stroke. Our work together has been
very good for me and I have gotten stronger and tripled my walking ability,
getting me up from my wheel chair as much as possible. Dan worked directly with
the Physical Therapist after their work was complete with me to ensure a good
transition. With Coach Dan's help I can tell I'm stronger in my walking,
something I really want to keep doing so I can walk better and better, my
progress has been very good and I'm in my 80's!
I would
recommend Coach Dan to anyone that needs to strengthen and improve their life,
no matter what place they are in life or what has happened to them.
Bev Brookens, Retired
Dan, Thanks
for helping me put together a program as I prepare for my upcoming kayaking
trip. In
addition to helping with the specific regimen for the kayaking, I really
appreciated the life coaching that you provided as well. I have lost over 13
inches, 25 pounds and my body fat is significantly lower since I started with
you as my Coach. I really valued the tips that you gave that helped me maximize
the time I devote to fitness. Those 'tricks to the trade' are invaluable and
have made all the difference. Thanks again!
Gary Allen, Business Owner
Coach Dan has truly been an inspiration in my
life. I went to see Coach Dan in October after losing and gaining back 10 pounds
over and
over. I was
so frustrated because I was working out and yet nothing was improving. He sat
down with me that first day and I explained how
I felt, what I wanted and what kind of schedule I had. He explained his history,
theories, and his motivation for being a Coach. He likes
to help people. Awe!
The first few weeks, were all about learning and how to hold the weights, what
to eat, what to cut down on. But the whole time it was about me
and what would work for me. I kept a food journal and we discussed how to eat.
Dan gives positive constructive advice and does not make you
feel bad if you slip up. He just reminds you that you are human and to accept it
and move on. What a relief! This is not a free pass, but
allows your brain to not give up because of ONE bad day like I normally would.
After a few weeks I had a whole body routine and
practiced every day. All the time Dan was making small adjustments to make the
workout work for me. At the beginning of each session
we would sit and talk about the previous week for a few minutes. He is such a
good listener, I am sure I used him more as a therapist
than necessary. As the weeks passed I started to feel more energy throughout the
day. A few pounds had come off, but not as much as I
had hoped. Apparently MY body was not on MY schedule. We kept working and
Coach Dan routinely kept at me to stick with it. He thought that the holidays
were keeping weight loss at bay and he knew if I made it to January that things
would really change for me. Well Christmas came and went and still the weight
hung on. Then, the sun came out, I lost 4 pounds in a week.
Since then, I have increased my running to
nearly 5 miles, and I work out consistently 5-6 days per week. Activity is now a
part of my everyday life. Given this new body, increased stamina, and courage to
face my own demons I have decided to really change. I have quit my job, given
notice at my apartment and am joining Outward Bound, where after a bit of
training hope to be an instructor. This would not be possible without Coach Dan.
Thank you Coach Dan!
Jen Carman, Outdoor Guide
It is the experience that keeps me coming back.
I walked 5 miles today & used the weights that Coach Dan designed for me! I
love the natural high I am on, on a daily basis! I had Chinese herbal healing
soup at the gym last Thursday during Coach Dan's free fitness Clinic, along with
a mini massage, and great discussion with other members!
I started this journey about 3 years ago,
where I was mentally looking for a solution to my life. I thought if I worked
out, all my problems would go away because I was doing the right thing.
That wasn’t so, I was missing something in that equation, the mental and the
physical have to be on the same page in order for them to adjoin in harmony. I
know it sounds weird but my head wasn’t in the right place when I started out
with Coach Dan, I was physically there, but unable to follow the life changes
that were necessary to succeed on this journey I now call Life.
This time
around was different, my head was in the right place, mentally and physically as
one. My muscle memory kicked right back in as soon as I started my life
changes. I really look forward to going to The Club 4 days a week now, one of
which is with Coach Dan! I have made this experience a personal addition to my
daily life. I think now about what I put into my body, how it will affect me,
and what the outcome will be. I have worked this philosophy into every decision
I make, health wise or any other way. I've also quite smoking! The joy I am
experiencing at this point in my life surpasses anything else I have done!
Maria Mattison,
Business Owner
is full of surprises. In 2005, I was diagnosed with 4 non-malignant tumors
growing on the nerves around my heart, abdomen, hip and spinal column. This
necessitated 4 major invasive surgeries.
I had been exercising regularly thanks to excellent
coaching by Dan and was feeling great. Dan encouraged me to continue working out
strenuously right up to the operations, which I did. One of the procedures
called for cracking open my rib cage to remove a baseball sized tumor near my
Thanks to my good conditioning, I walked out of the
hospital after 36 hours. The doctors said they had never seen such a fast
recovery and it was entirely a result of my physical fitness.
credit Dan for this and would recommend him to anyone who really cares about
their health and wants to be prepared for the surprises of life.
R. Scott Smith, Financial Expert
Before I met Coach
Dan, I had worked out very inconsistently and felt my health was not improving.
It wasn’t until my wife Pat and I started working out with Coach Dan at our
home, did I finally get consistent with my workouts; I now workout three times a
week and my habits have improved greatly in fitness, as well as eating better -
and I feel better!
My eating habits
have begun to regulate especially, my evening time meals with much better
choices for me to make, because of the good suggestions Coach Dan offers me.
I have had Muscular
Sclerosis for 30 years now, and at 62 years old, I need to make sure I keep as
much mobility as I can. I can walk pretty well, though I have found that the
strength training has improved my my balance and confidence, which
helps. My MS is an annoyance though I have used the exercise to overcome my MS
much more and do what I can do, and not worry what I can’t do, this exercising
is helping me!
John Witherell,
I’ve been breaking
through physical and emotional barriers which historically have held me back.
Now I'm working out and have much better nutrition! Through Coach Dan’s
guidance, I’ve been able to keep going and stick to it, better!
I have learned
through working with Coach Dan the benefits of exercise though not done to
extreme, but mildly and so where I can enjoy it, that my body is getting
stronger as I continue past age 60, I can keep going along well.
Coach Dan’s helpful with good visual aids, practical workouts that are easy for
me to do and where I can make them a priority. Thanks Coach Dan
Pat Witherell,
In January 2006 I came to the decision
it was time to focus on my body and health.
I hired Dan for his knowledge and
guidance. In our first sessions I learned how to workout safely for my fitness
level and also learned the proper way to do each exercise. Over the course of
several months I saw great results in weight and inches lost and lowering my
body fat count. My body was getting toned as well. Coach Dan makes sure his
clients understand the entire process from exercise, nutrition and diet. He
never criticizes or badgers, he is always a positive force helping you make
fitness a natural part of your life. I now workout on a regular basis and have
lost 27 pounds and four pant sizes. I even got my husband started with Dan and
he is getting a lot out of it as well.
Thanks for the good workout
tonight. I left with more energy than I came in with that is for sure. I
had to share some great news with you. I got home and had received the
results of my blood work from my physical last week. My doctor was not too happy
that I took myself off the cholesterol medication all most a year ago.
week, the results came back for LDL-bad cholesterol at 78 (normal is less than
130). My cholesterol reading is 154 (normal is at less than 200) before I
started working out my cholesterol was 253, it's dropped 99 points! My
doctor even wrote a note "EXCELLENT! You did it! Keep up the good work!"
Dan, I know
I did the work , as you always say, but I can't thank you enough for your
guidance. As you know I am happy with my weight loss and body composition, but
my true goal from the very beginning was to improve my health for a longer and
most important healthier life. Thank you, Coach Dan -- August 2007
Thank you! Judy Volk,
would like to tell you what a wonderful experience it has been working with
Coach Dan at the club. I had not been working out due to medical issues,
Multiple Sclerosis and, knee pain, a result from MS. Coach Dan had helped me
regain my strength and, he has shown me ways to control the swelling and pain in
my knee by exercise and using ice packs daily.
Not only is Coach Dan an inspiration to me in the gym but he is also, a wealth
of information regarding other aspects of healthy living. Along with the
coaching in the gym, I get invaluable information regarding my diet and cooking
in a healthy way.
Sincerely, Diane
Coached at Stephenson Elementary School 2007 & 2008, 9 and 10 year olds. I was
the after school Fitness Coach using exercise bands. This picture was taken
after the second 8 week series was complete and I took them out along with one
of the parents to get some tasty food as a celebration for accomplishing their
workouts! I
Coached them the fall of 2007 and Spring of 2008!
Stephenson Elementary Exercise Class!
Dan, Thanks so much for coaching me over the past few years. It was beyond my
expectations. You were well organized, gave me a written plan, and then stuck
with plan. You always seemed to care about me as an individual, and not just
while I was working out with you. There were numerous phone calls from you on
days while we weren't working out, or while I was travelling. You would ask if
I had worked out and how I had eaten that day. I have always been a long
distance runner, and have really enjoyed it. While working out with you, I cut
my marathon time by over 1 minute per mile. That was totally beyond any
expectations I had. You always seemed to know when to push extra hard. I felt
like I was in better shape while working out with you, than any time in my life
(other than when I was on an athletic scholarship in college). Thank you so
much for all you did, and you are an awesome coach!
I would absolutely recommend any of my family,
friend or colleagues to you! I am sorry I have to move, or I would still be
working out with you.
Jason Price, Banker
had gotten farther and farther away from a healthy lifestyle, and I had
forgotten how to maintain one. I was overweight and had insomnia. I came to
Coach Dan looking for more than just a good workout once a week - rather, my
system needed to be re-booted and set on a course for long-term fitness. Dan
delivered in spades. Going at a pace that didn't scare me away, he worked with
me to design a program that fit my lifestyle; one of constant travel combined
with the stresses of an executive professional position. I'd tried many other
programs/trainers in the past, and I feel Dan's success with me personally lies
in his unique program design for the individual combined with an intuitive
motivational coaching style that gave me the tools to succeed. In short, my
weight is on track, I'm sleeping well at night, and I have a long term lifestyle
fitness program that is extremely fun and enjoyable.
D.A., Business Owner
Coach Dan thanks to you and your training
cholesterol dropped 65 points....I'm
giving you all the implemented some simple changes in life style
and diet and it obviously paid off...I loved your food challenges and your daughter Holly and I will look forward to hitting it hard in the
Cynthia Dorrell, Business Owner
Thanks again for pushing me this morning. Being at
the club working out was more of a challenge than you know, but thank you for
being there and pushing me. I doubt I would have worked as hard without your
Consequently, I WILL make the change in my eating habits, because if I
am going to work that hard, I want something to show for it, i.e. a healthier
body. I just had a healthy lunch, salmon, rice, asparagus (which I do not like)
and a cup of seafood chowder, tomato base. With that kind of lunch, my dinner
will be light. Thanks for the input and motivation.
Jack Ford, Lawyer
I am doing great, I have lost 73 pounds now, and
have 12 to go to get to my goal;
I am looking at becoming a personal trainer,
getting ready to start taking classes at the community college and see where
that takes me. We will see, I am so ready to get rid of this desk job stuff. You
were my first inspiration to get fit, and you definitely gave me the confidence
to know that I could work out in a gym. I am so thankful you were a part of my
life, and now a part of my success.
Sherri Zaback

Dan's coaching and training have rejuvenated my workouts and has resulted in
needed weight loss (30 pounds), increased fitness, energy and good health. He
has not only restored a sense of consistency into my workouts, but also has
improved my efficiency and intensity of the workouts to keep my training program
on track. Moreover, he has made it fun and has given me great information
and insight into nutrition and exercise physiology. Dan is a true professional
and I have greatly benefited from his vigilant training. I highly recommend his
training to all interested in improving their condition, appearance and health.
Bob Yanity, Retired Lawyer
Dan, I wanted to thank you for inspiring me to get back in
the groove of my workout routine. I had been away for about three months while I
was on maternity leave, and you gave me just the boost and motivation I
needed. I'm really enjoying the program you put together for me! I
look forward to getting together with you again to refresh my program.
Kristi Parker, Banker
the past 36 months I've followed a fitness program arranged for me by coach
I've gained strength in all the main muscle groups, noticed an increase
in stamina, and have trimmed inches from my arms, waist, and thighs. Also,
my past surgically repaired knee in summer of 2003, is back to normal. What a
pleasure to feel great again - thanks Coach Dan!
Sharon Berg, Retired
August 2002, I realized that my focus on fitness had severely declined. I
weighed 171 pounds, ate poorly and my day-to-day energy was low. In September
2002, Coach Dan asked how I was doing with my fitness? I said I was disgusted
with my fitness level and that I lacked focus. Dan was sincerely concerned and
suggested that we meet up to map out a fitness program.
Coach was able to show
me effective ways to utilize a one-hour workout, get me to understand my eating
habits and begin living a balanced life of nutrition and structured exercise. We
met once weekly for thirteen weeks, while I did homework workouts a few
other days per week. Within six months of our coach-client relationship I was
down to 159 pounds. My cholesterol was way down; and I’d gained significant
strength and felt highly energized and motivated – still do! It’s sad
that even though I have been ‘athletic’ all my life, it wasn’t until I met Dan
that I came to understand the proper way to eat and exercise for optimum quality
of life.
Craig Fossati

has helped me to define and achieve fitness goals,
he is knowledgeable, and
motivational. I particularly appreciate his follow-up. He consistently disseminates the latest information available in nutrition and
other aspects of total health to his clients, both during training sessions and
after they have ended through e-mail. He has helped me eat better, exercise
better, and progress in the direction I want to go. Thanks Dan.
Marlin Harker
I hired Dan as
my fitness coach in March of 2003 to help me get more from my strength training.
I was impressed with his discipline and caring nature. He understood and took
time to listen to my needs.
I found a
difference in Dan’s fitness focus, he really liked seeing me improve and enjoyed
any success in the gym. When I didn’t measure up, he wouldn’t judge me, he’d
simply encourage me more. He also has a clear understanding on eating behavior
and learning better times to eat meals during a day. I also had high
blood pressure. I told Dan about it and he suggested I try biofeedback to ease
stress. I researched and
decided to purchase a biofeedback machine. It helped me understand breathing to
reduce stress and my blood pressure began going down to normal levels within a
week. I no longer use medications for my blood pressure issues and feel better
than ever.
Daniel Harkavy,
CEO Building Champions, Head Coach
for your encouragement and commitment to my workouts.
I always look forward
to trudging across the street from work, and I always feel great when we're
done! Frankly, the 'working out' part of our appointments is simply a bi-product
of what I truly enjoy which is spending time with a good friend.
Joby Easton, Mortgage |

Your expertise on and off over the past 11 years has been a
major contributor to getting my head right with core training
and nutrition.
Thank you for being that voice that tells me I HAVE to do the
disciplines that bring so much benefit towards living a healthy
lifestyle. I heartily recommend Coach Dan!
Tammy London |
had been inactive for several years and came to Dan looking to improve my
fitness level. I needed direction on where to start. Since working with Dan, I
have gained stamina, strength & decreased my overall body fat.
My strength
in many muscle groups has increased by as much as 100%. Dan’s energy and
enthusiasm has motivated me to make fitness an integral part of my life. Thanks
coach Dan!
Robert Burks
When I first got to know Dan, I picked his brain about fitness and
nutrition, and straight away I knew he was the real deal. He was passionate
and incredibly knowledgeable about all facets of fitness so I hired him to
coach me via, telephone. I gave Dan a challenge for me to reach a new place
in fitness: have six-pack abdominals, stay strong and keep my muscle mass.
I’d been hovering around 175 pounds, and feeling heavy around the
mid-section. I
needed to lose
the fat on my waist and mid section in order to ‘see’ the six-pack, but I
didn’t know if it were possible. I told Dan I wanted to get down to 165
pounds. He got my way of thinking to change, and the limits I had placed on
myself are gone. My fitness focus had been wrong, but he gave me an exercise
and diet plan to help me breakthrough barriers. I am now at 150 pounds, and
have retained my muscle with much more definition, less body fat and my
overall conscientiousness has increased! The results with Dan blew me
away! I have a lot more energy and feel great about my level of fitness.
Dan has been instrumental in getting me to the next level.
Greg Harkavy, Building Champions Life &
Business Coach
Dan has been my fitness coach for over
one year now and has made a huge difference in my life. I had not lifted
weights for over twenty five years; I was at least fifteen pounds over weight
due to horrible eating habits and lack of exercise, and felt sluggish. I
realized that the only way I would commit to a consistent routine was to hire a
fitness coach.
Dan has been great! We started slow because I didn’t even
know how the equipment worked. He changed my eating habits in the first two
weeks. After ten weeks I had lost 15 pounds and felt great lifting weights
three days and doing aerobic exercise the other three days a week. Without a
coach, I would not have done it! Today, I can’t imagine not working out on a
regular basis. Dan can help you to improve your health and I recommend him
Clayton Scott |